Buttenberg & MP is a global provider of aftermarket services and solutions for the aviation industry. Buttenberg & MP has access to leading suppliers of aircraft parts, supplies, chemicals, tools and materials with over 2 million parts available, including extensive lines of aviation, tires, batteries, oils, hardware and much more. We can also provide diverse maintenance, repair, rotables, and innovative logistics and supply chain solutions. Buttenberg & MP has provided worldwide aviation and defense industries with dependable product lines, equipment, engine parts, tools, aeronautics and all of your other aircraft needs.
Avionics & Instruments
Chemicals & Consumables
Emergency & Survival
Ground Support & Test Equipment
Hardware & Standard Parts
Pilot Supplies & Training
Tools & Shop Supplies
Fans |
Misc Spraying Equip |
Pumps |
Spray Booms |
Spray Nozzles |
Valves |
Airframe |
Batteries |
Boeing |
Boeing IMM |
Boeing VPP |
Cargo Systems |
Controls, Valves & Actuators |
Deicing Systems |
Electrical |
Environmental |
Fabric & Tape |
Filtration |
Fuel Systems |
Government |
Helicopter |
LRU’s |
Lighting |
Mechanical |
Oxygen Systems |
Piper Aircraft |
Pitot Static System |
Pneumatics |
Propellers |
Pumps |
Rotables |
Seals & Gaskets |
Static Dischargers |
Transparencies |
Undercarriage |
Vibration Isolation |
Avionics & Instruments
Air Data Systems |
Annunciators |
Antennas |
Avionics |
BendixKing |
Communications |
Emergency & Survival |
Instrumentation |
Chemicals & Consumables
Additives |
Adhesives |
Appearance Products |
Aviall Paint Mixing |
Cabin Supplies |
Chemicals |
Cleaners & Degreasers |
Deicing Fluids |
Desiccants |
Fluids |
Inspection Chemicals |
Lavatory Chemicals |
Lubricants |
Paint Prep |
Paints & Coatings |
Sealants |
Shop Supplies |
Emergency & Survival
Emergency & Survival |
ELT Systems |
Evacuation Systems |
Fire Suppression |
First Aid |
Oxygen Systems |
Stand-By Power |
Survival Equipment |
Accessories – Misc |
Aviall Hose Shop |
CFM International |
Continental Motors |
Electrical |
Engines |
Exhaust Systems |
Filtration |
Fuel Systems |
GE Engines |
Hose |
Ice Detection |
Ignition |
Ignition & Filtration |
Lycoming |
Oil Coolers |
Pratt & Whitney |
Rolls-Royce |
Rolls-Royce Publications |
Ground Support & Test Equipment
Auxiliary Power |
Fuel Transfer Equipment |
Ground Support |
Jacks, Tow-Bars, GPU |
Test Equipment |
Tugs & Tow-Bars |
Hardware & Standard Parts
Cherry Rivets |
Hardware |
Safety Lock Wire |
Seals & Gaskets |
Pilot Supplies & Training
Communications |
Flashlights & Batteries |
Fuel Testers |
Pilot Supplies |
Publications |
Training |
Tools & Shop Supplies
Abrasives |
Airport Equipment |
Battery Servicing |
Engine Preheaters |
Paper & Masking |
Presaturated Wipes |
Protective Equipment |
Shop Supplies |
Tapes |
Test Equipment |
Tools |
Ty-Raps |
Wipes |
Our Brands